Power flushing saves you money
keeps your home warm and toes toasty

Power flushing is a way of getting rid of sludge, scale and corrosion that builds up over time inside your system that ruins your heating efficiency, pushing up your gas bills and reducing the warmth of your home.
These problems usually arise due to lack of maintenance. Manufacturers have strict requirements regarding system cleanliness for warranty claims on boilers.
We use a specialist powerful pump with a huge magnetic filter to professionally clean your system. This is done in combination with powerful chemicals to help dissolve, break down and flush away the stubborn deposits making you system perform almost like new.
Give us a call to discuss your systems symptoms and we will give free advice regarding what can be done.

*Cold radiators that simply wont heat up
*Cold spots on that seem to move around
*Taking a long time for heating to heat up
*Whole house not warm like it used to be
Central heating issues ?
Any of these symptoms - we can fix

Cost includes chemicals and powerflush

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